45 Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 2 - foldersoal.com

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 2
Read the following texts, then cross whether A, B, C, or D for the correct answer 

Text 1
78 JalanBalai Raya
East Jakarta
April 2, 2007
Ms. Dina Siregar.
Directory of Administration
Navaro Inc.
27 Jalan Edelweis.

Dear Ms.Siregar,
Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the 'Republika' was attractive because I believe I have the proven skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Linda and I'm 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer System. These specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at Galaxy Building. Since 'proven skills' are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with you. Please phone me in the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me know the day and time most convenient for you.


Linda Enc.

1. What position is needed?
A. Receptionist.
B. Interviewer.
C. Chief accountant.
D. Administrative assistant.
E. Director

2. What does the applicant hope after sending the letter?
A. She will be a manager.
B. She will start training.
C. She will receive the salary.
D. She will be interviewed.
E. She will stayin the office

3. "... proven skills" (line 5).
The word 'proven' has a closest meaning to ...
A. acknowledged
B. external
C. internal
D. outcome

Text 2
To :Mr.ZainalAbidin
From : Director
Subject : Meeting
Date : February 4th  2003
Please attend the meeting at Hotel Sriwijaya on Tuesday, 7 February 2003 at 9 a.m. on behalf of the director. I’m looking forward to your report upon the completion of the meeting.
4.  What should Mr.ZainalAbidin do?
A. Represent the director at a meeting.
B. Arrange a meeting.
C. Meet the director.
D. Bring the report to the meeting.
E. Write the report

5. When did the director write the memo?
A. 24th February 2003.
B. 9.00 a.m.
C. February 4th 20013.
D. February 14th 2013.
E. February 4th 2003

Text 3

In April 2005 the number of people killed in December 26 tsunami disasters which devastated 11 Indian Ocean Countries has been revised down to 217,000 after Indonesia drastically reduced its number of missing. Indonesia remains the worst hit country, with 163,978 people dead and missing. According to the National Disaster Relief Coordination Agency, the number confirmed dead was 126,915 people while 37,063 were listed as missing. Officials said the figure had been reduced because many people listed as missing had now been identified among more than half a million homeless people living in the temporary camps or other shelters. The toll in Sri Lanka, which was second hardest hit by the catastrophe, was 30,957, according to The Centre for National Operations. The number of people listed as missing was 5,637, but many were expected to be among those never formally identified, hurriedly buried and included in the confirmed death toll.

6. How many people were reported missing when Sri Lanka was hit by catastrophe?
A. 5,637.
B. 30,957.
C. 163,978.
D. 217,000.
e. 126,915

7. '... its number ...' (line 2).  The word 'its' refers to ...
A. Indonesia
B. Sri Lanka
C. Number
D. People
E. Center for National Operation

8. '... drastically reduced ...' (line 2),.The antonym of the word 'reduced' is …
A. devastated
B. revised
C. increased
D. remained
E. burried

Text 4

1. Print the document from the application.
2. Ensure your printer is selected, and then click the main tab.
3. Specify the required settings and click ok,
4. To start printing, click ok.

9.  What do you do to start printing?
A. Click ok.
B. Click the main tab.
C. Print the document.
D. Select your printer.

10. What could be the title of the text?
A. How to select your printer.
B. How to write an application.
C. How to buy a good printer.
D. How to print your document.
E. How to take care your printer

11. To start printing ... (line 4). The antonym of the underlined word is
A. postpone
B. delay
C. stop
D. work
E. on

12.The steps are talking about
      A. The way to set the document
      B. The way to print the document
      C. The way to require setting
      D. The way to click
      E. The way to save the document

Text 5

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester  45 Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 2
JL.Fatmawati 70 Jakarta Selatan
Telp./Fax: 021-256665

PT Sunflower Garment                                                                      April 10, 2014
Jl. Leuwigajah 125
Cimahi 43378

Dear Sir,

I am interested in your advertisement in a fortnightly magazine about your new pullover products.

I wonder if I could get three pieces of each colour, size, and model through the postal service. I would really appreciate if you could tell us the terms of payment and delivery.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you preferably by facsimile.

Sincerely Yours,


13. What does Irene Boutique order?
A.     Magazines
B.     Pullovers
C.     Sunflower
D.     Advertisement
E.      Postal

14. How do they want the order delivered?
    A. By phone
    B. By messenger
    C. By facsimile
    D. By letter
    E. By Pager

Text 6

Here are some samples solution to the problem with the main effect. The picture and the sound of your sony, polytron and colour television. If there is no picture plug the cable, then press the button on the plug of the television. Check the aerial connection and check that the selective video sound is on. If there is no sound, press the positive button oh the remove control. Don't press the negative sign to increase the sound.

15. Before pressing the power button in front of the television, we should ...
A. plug the cable in.
B. press the power button.
C. check the aerial connection.
D. check the video source.
E. Check the television set

16. If there is no sound ...
A. turn the television off.
B. check the aerial connection.
C. press the positive volume button.
D. press the negative volume button.
E. Press the power button

Text 7

Compare These Features:
  • The  Honda rides more comfortably than a Toyota
  •  It drives more quietly  than a Buick
  • It handles as easily as Jaguar
  • It accelerates as quickly as Mercedes
  • It looks better than a Mazda
  • It is built as carefully as Volvo
  • And it costs less than any of them

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text
A. The Honda and a Buick are hard to handle.
B. The Honda drives more quickly than a Jaguar.
C. The Honda is more carefully built than a Toyota,
D. The Honda has the cheapest price of all the other cars.
E. The Mercedes is the same as Toyota

18. ... ascarefully as a Volvo". The underlined word has similar meaning to ...
A. carelessly
B. thoroughly
C. exclusively
D. efficiently
E. Accurately

19. What feature is compared between the Honda and Mazda?
A. Comfort of riding.
B. Ease of handling.
C. Acceleration.
D. Appearance.
E. Price

20. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. The Honda and a Buick are hard to handle.
B. The Honda drives more quickly than a Jaguar.
C. The Honda is more carefully built than a Toyota,
D. The Honda has the cheapest price of all the other cars
E. All are true

21. April: Do you have some papers? I need two  pieces.
Andi: Yes…
       April: Thank you.
a. please                          b. I am                        c. it is                      d. here they are             e. here, it is
22.I… see your mother yesterday.
       a. didn’t                       b. don’t                 c. haven’t                d. hasn’t                         e. not
23. What are you? I am…
a. here                        b. a secretary       c. fine                      d. Ardie. beautiful
24. Reny     : This is my friend, Laksmi.
      Huda     : …
Laksmi  : Glad to meet you, too.
     a. Glad to meet you      b. What’s your name?      c. Hallo       d. You’re so kind           e. How are you?
25. Don’t run on the wet floor, son!  The sentence expresses…
a. request                     b. advice              c.  prohibition          d. opinion                       e. permission
26. The teacher was …at Ahmad because he didn’t do his homework.
a. proud                  b. happy               c. interested              d. surprised                    e. nervous
27. Sport can make our body…
a. healthy                    b. health             c. unhealthy              d. unhealthy                  e. heal
28. I think that going to Bandung is more interesting. The statement expresses…
a. like                            b. agreement       c. opinion                  d. disability                    e. advice
29. I likes swimming, but she …
a. is like               b. likes                         c. isn’t like                d. doesn’t like                e. doesn’t
30. Ms. Halimah felt … when her daughter came late last night.
a. nervous             b. worried                  c. happy                  d. brave                          e. surprised
31. Aly: Will you join us for dinner?
      Ica: …, I have something to do.
      a. I’m sorry          b. That’s a great idea    c. Yes, with pleasure       d. Yes, I will e. OK
32.  Fery: Hello, how is life?
Ida : Hi, …
a. see you          b. I’m fine                   c. thank you                d. how are you?             e. I’m fine
33. Santi: There is a bazaar at PangkalanBalai hall today ,  ………..?
Yuyun: Yes, I’d like to.
a.       I’m glad you like it
b.      I’d like to go
c.       Could you come to my house?
d.      Would you go there with me?
e.       Do you go?
34. Dirty environment can … insects and rats.
a. attack             b. invite                        c. attract                   d. come                          e. ruin
35. Adi     : I’m having a little party at my home on Saturday. Can you come?
Ihsan : …, what time is it?
      a. I see            b. No, I can’t        c. Thank you            d. I’d love to        e. Sorry
36. My mother... from Makasar last week.
a. return
b. returns
c. returned
d. returning
e. to return
37. You bought this bicycle by yourself …?
       a. isn’t it          b. don’t you         c. do you                d. didn’t you         e. are you
38. I was born  in Surabaya….1988.
a. on        b. at      c. in          d. for       e. of
39. These are fruits, except 
a. watermelon, pear, pineapple                       d. sour soup, orange, grape
b. jackfruit, star fruit, ginger                             e. zalacca, kiwi, apple
c. banana, avocado, mango

40. I had an accident … night.
a. on          b. in              c. for         d. at            e. of

Untuk Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Lengkap dengan jawabannya 
Anda bisa baca juga :
Soal UKK / PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

1. Change the verbs in the brackets into the correct form!     
·         My father and I (watch) TV now.
·         Sarah (not study) every Friday.
·         Mother (cook) a cake now?
2. Rearrange these jumbled words to make good sentences about invitation!  
·         would - like  - you  - to - you -  to – come – would – party – birthday – my?
·         he – writing – in – is  - letter  - the – a - bedroom
3.Arrange the following words into a good order!
·         Car – German  - a – strong
·         Beautiful – lady – Japanese – the -  sweet
4. Write the sentence!
·         18-01-1950
·         5 -7-1978
5.Write the right preposition (in and or) for the following sentences!
·             The apples are ... the basket
·              The teacher  is … the class

Good Luck

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