Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2/ Genap 2017
Rabu, 07 Februari 2018
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Berikut adalah Soal UTS B. Inggris Kls 3 Smstr 2/ Genap terbaru yang bisa sobat dapatkan, yaitu :
Soal Pilihan Ganda/ PG UTS B. Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2/ Genap.
I. Choose the correct answer answer by crossing (x)a,b,c or d
1. A candi costs ......rupiah. 100
2. they are some .....DUA PERMEN
a. nut b. Candy c. candies d. Nuts
3. I am hungry.i want to.....
a. drink b. eat c. take a bath d. Sleep
4. I am thirsthy.i want to....
a. drink b. Eat c. Sleep d.take a bath
5. my father gives me.....for my pocket money.5000
a. five hundred b. one thousand c. five thousand d. five milion
6. I always have breakfast at six oclock
a. 06.00 b. 07.00 c. 08.00 d. 09.00
7. 06.15
a. a half past six b. a quarter past six c. a quarter to six d. a half past six
8. “ten fifty five” is..............
a. 10.05 b. 10.55 c. 05.50 d. 10.50
9. I win...... competition in japan.MENARI
a. singing b. Dancing c. Tennis d. Football
10. susi ...playing halma in the yard
a. am b. Is c. Are d. was
11. Antonio and jeremi ....playing hide and seek in the field.
a. am b. Is c. Are d.were
12. The children ere.....BERMAIN SEPAKBOLA
a. playing hide and seek b. playing pootball c. swimming
13. my younger sister likes playing........BONEKA
a. toy car b.marble c.doll d. Card
14. my father likes .........newspaper.
a.writing b.buying c.listening d.reading
15. my mother likes playing.CATUR
a.card b.chees c.halma d.toy car
Soal Isian UTS B. Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2/ Genap
II. fill the blanks with the brief and answer.
1. My grandpa likes .........newspaper
2. Faldi likes movie on..................NONTON TV
3. It is seven o’clock................
4. It is ten to eight.....................
5. They like............. main bolla
6. I like.....................lompat tali
7. We lke.............melukis
8. He likes.....................berkebun
9. He is the river.MEMANCING
10. They are the garden.JUNGKAT JUNGKIT
Nah demikianlah rangkaian Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2/ Genap untuk latihan, semoga bermanfaat. dan jika dirasa bermanfaat silahkan dibagikan lagi lewat jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, twitter atau lainnya seperti tombol dibawah. Terimkasih.
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