50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban - foldersoal.com

50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban


In this section of the test, you will have to chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each paragraph.


Question : 1 to 3
Directions :
For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken twice, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement ( A ), ( B ), ( C ), or ( D ) – that best describes the picture. Then , on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Example :

Look the following picture
 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Choice ( C ) – “ the shopping carts are stuck together “ – best describes what can be seen inthe picture.Therefore, you should mark ( C) on your answer sheet

Now let’s begin with question number 1.
 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Answer           : B

 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Answer           : B

 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Answer           : A

PART II. Question - Responses

Questions 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed
By three responses, also spoken English. The question and responses will be spoken
Twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to eachQuestion.
Now listen to a sample question :

You will hear               : Woman          : Shouldn’t we check in with the receptionist ?

You will also hear        :  Man              : ( A ) I didn’t bring my cheque book
                                                            ( B ) Yes, we should check it out
( C) Yes, I suppose so

        Sample answer

      A             B             C

Choice (C) – “ Yes, I suppose so“- is the appropriate response to the question [Shouldn’t we check in with the receptionist ?]. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin question number 4

4.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Answer           : C
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Answer           : A
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Answer           : A
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Answer           : A

PART III. Short Conversations

Question 8 to 11

In this section of the test, you will be here several short conversations.You will hear the conversations twice. The conversations will not be printed in your test book , so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Example :

You will hear :     Man             : Do you mind if I use your computer ?
                           Woman         : No, please shut it down after you finish
                           Man              : I will. Thank you

You will read :    What will the man do ?
A.     Finish his work
B.     Lend his computer
C.     Borrow the computer
D.     Shut down the laptop

Choice ( B ) – “ Lend his computer.” Is the best answers the question
“ what will the man do ? “ Therefore, you should mark ( B ) on your answer sheet.
8. What does the woman’s supervisor do ?
             A. Help her every time
              B. Keep the man working
            C. Make her busy
              D. Pay her times a month
Answer           : C
9. What does the woman do ?
            A. Reserve a suite room
  B. Need a reservation code
         C. Arrive at night
         D. Check in at the hotel
Answer           : A
10. What does the woman want ?
            A. Keep the printer for two hours
             B. Put the printer on the man’s desk
            C. Lend her printer
            D. Borrow the printer
Answer           : D
11. Why does the man need more paper ?
            A. The paper supply is running out
            B. The woman doesn’t supply much paper
            C. The man did not order the right number
            D. The divisions used enough paper
Answer           : D
PART IV.  Short talk

Question 12 to 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoke twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

12. What are the conditions to park bicycle for a resident ?
            A. Add more locks
            B. Park only one bicycle
            C. Lock the motorbike well
            D. Use only authorized motorized bicycle
Answer           : B
13. Who should be responsible if there is any damage or other loss while parking the bicycle ?
            A. All the residents
            B. The dormitory manager
            C. The university staff
            D. The owner of the biycle
Answer           : D

Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following announcement.

14. What goods ares sold in the bazaar ?
             A. Handbags
            B. Baby accessories
             C. Summer accessories
             D. Kitchen appliances
Answer           : A
15. What activity is the school organising ?    
A. Help parents design clothes
            B. Invite customers to buy products
            C. Hold an annual holiday bazaar
            D. Gather parents for a meeting
Answer           : C


Questions 16-25, choose the most appropriate answer

16.  Fariz          :  “I’d like to book a room, please.
Aladin        : Certainly ...”
A. When would you like to stay?              
B. When will you be available?                
C. Would you like a single or a double bed?  
D. Would it be OK to have a suite?
E.  What time will you go?
Answer: A

17.   Rani         : Where are you going for holiday, Sin?
      Sinta          : I haven’t decided it yet but …I do really want to visit the Pisa Tower
  1. I must finish my term report                           
  2. I should accompany my mom to the dentist   
      C. I might go to Italy with my family
      D. I will just stay at home
      E. I can sleep here
      Answer : C

18. Rudi           : Maya, do you think Anita will help us to solve this Math homework?
     Maya           : I’m sure, she will ...
A. You should help her                 C. We would go somewhere    E. She is a good athlete
B. She may ask you about it                      D. She is good at Math
Answer: D

19.  Susan         : I can’t find my boots and umbrella ... I really don’t want to go out without them.
Diah           : Come on! You’ve got a rain coat. That’ll keep you dry.
  1. I think I’m going to take my raincoat. 
  2. Can you help me look for them?                    
  3. I guess I can put them on now.
  4. Do you remember when it happened?
  5. When will you take it?
Answer: B

20.  Donita        : I feel exhausted today, but the report is due at three
Fikri           : ...
Donita        : Thanks, that’s very kind of you
  1. You can take a rest later                                                         
  2. You ought to finish the report now
  3. I have to concentrate on my job first
  4. I think that’s OK.
  5. I had better give you a hand
Answer : E

21. Mrs. Thomas          : I’ve just witnessed an accident. It was a hit and run.
Police officer         : Can you describe the car?
Mrs. Thomas          : Well, I think …
  1. It’s green with buttons down the front
  2. It’s a store one with air conditioning   
  3. It’s a small blue Japanese one with two doors
  4. It’s big wooden Chinese with brown colour
  5. It’s an expensive one with wheel at the back
Answer: E

22. Lanny        : Please be quite!
      Rheina       : What’s up?
      Lanny        : ...
A.     The certificates were being given                    
B.     The people are very busy right now                
C.     The children were playing volleyball
D.     The students are having an examination
E.      The people are chatting
Answer : D

23. Simon        : Why didn’t you come to the seminar yesterday?
     Joanna         : What seminar was it?
     Simon          : It was about new business strategies. Didn’t Carol send you the invitation?
     Joanna         : No, ...
A.     I would have called her if I had come
B.     I would have asked her if I had received it
C.     I would have come if she had told me about it
D.     I would have sent it to her if she had asked me
E.      I would have seen her if I go there
Answer : C

24. Mahmud    :  “The weather is bad. There are heavy black clouds in the sky”.
      Sultan         : “I think so....
A.   It won’t rain so soon.                    C. It must be sunny day.                                  E. It must be hot
 B.    It’s possible to rain soon. D. It rains quite often nowadays
            Answer : B

25. Kiki   : “Good morning, ... ?”.
Amir:I’m sorry. My father is not at home. He hasn’t come from the office yet.”
Kiki:Ok. Well. I’ll call again later. Thanks.”
A. Can I speak to your father              C. What can I do for you         E. Where are you
B. Hi. How are you today                    D. May I help you
Answer: A

In questions 26-30, each sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined words are marked A, B, C, D and E. You have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected or rewritten.

26. We eating at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday.
 A                          B                     C                 D                     E
Answer : A

27. There are two big black Japanese motorcyles in the parking area. Mine is the one who has a
                                                            A                                          B                     C             
     sticker on the tank. It’s easy to identify.
            D                                        E
Answer: C

28. Receptionist                       : Ramayana Hotel. Good afternoon! Can I help you?
      Guest                       : I booked a room by telephone last week and I’d like to confirm it.
      Receptionist                       : Shall I know your name, Sir?
                                    C                               D
      Guest                       : This is Wilson from Singapore.
     Answer: C

29. You’d better go by plane, but the ticket should be book a week prior to your departure.
                 A                                  BC                   D                    E
     Answer: C

30. Teacher :Who is the boy? He have kinky short black hair.
                      A                            B
      Amir     : Heismy friend from Papua.
                     C   D      E
Answer : B

Question 31 until 33 refer to the following text

Famous Corp.
: Thomas Jackson
: Saturday,   January 25 , 2014
: Marketing Staff
: Room change for next meeting
The meeting on Monday, January 27, 2014, has been changed to Room 102. Please be there before 9.00 a.m.

Thank you.

31. Thomas Jackson wrote the memo because ...
A. The company is looking for a marketing staff
B.  He wants to warn the accounting staff
C.  He wants to apply for a job
D.  The meeting has been canceled
E.The meeting place has been changed
Answer: E

32.  From the memo we can take conclusion that Thomas Jackson is ...
A. The marketing staff
B.  The Event organizer staff
C.  The head of Marketing department
D.  The chief of Office boy department
E. The office boy
Answer: C

33. “Please be there before 9.00 a.m.” The underlined word has the same meaning with ...
A.  In front of                      C.  The day before                  E. At an earlier time
B.  At the back                     D.  The day after
Answer: E

Question 34 until 36 refer to the following text
5 Steps to follow in a good speech
  1. Get prepared. Think about what you want to say. What is your message?
  2. Organize your message in a logical order
  3. Choose your words and phrases carefully.
  4. Visualize your speech and visualize yourself giving your speech
  5. Deliver your speech and visualize yourself giving your speech

34. What does the text talk about?
A. How to choose a good speech         C. How to give a good speech E. How to arrange speech
      B.  How to prepare a good speech D. How to write a good speech
Answer : C

35. What should you do after you know what to say?
      A. Organize your message             C. Visualize yourself               E. Organize yourself
      B. Select your words                      D. Deliver your speech
      Answer: A

36. In short, what should we do before giving a speech?
      A. Take a deep breath                    C. Mind your step                    E. Follow the rules
      B. Get prepared                             D. Take a time
      Answer: E
Question 37 until 39 refer to the following text


Toyota, a city in Japan, is on east central Honshu Island, in central Aichi Prefecture on the Yahagi River. Toyota is the headquarter of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. A classic company town, it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants, office complexes, and housing developments for workers and their families. The city was formerly named Koromo, meaning “clothing” and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930s as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city’s name was changed to Toyota in 1959 after the second plant, Motomachi, was opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population (2002): 342,835.

37. What is the text about?
      A. The geographical aspects of the Toyota City
      B. The production of the Toyota Motor Corporation
      C. The families and workers of the Toyota Motor Corporation
      D. The classic company town
      E. The history of the Toyota City
      Answer: E

38.What was the old name of the Toyota City?
A. Koromo                              C. Honshu                               E. Aichi
      B. Yahagi                           D. Motomachi
      Answer: A

39. The word ‘their” in the sentence ‘it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants, office complexes, and housing development for workers and their families’ refers to ...
      A. Headquarters                             C. layout                      E. Workers
      B.Assembly plants                         D. Office Complexes
      Answer: E

Question 40 until 43 refer to the following text


We have the lowest prices in town. For every item we sell, we’ll beat any legitimate price from any other store. Plus, if you find a lower price within 30 days of your date of purchase, we’ll refund the difference. This offer is good even on our own sale prices. The item must be the same brand and style. You must present your sales receipt. Our low price guarantee doesn’t apply to limited quantity offers.

40. What does this statement guarantee?
      A. The highest price                       C. The most convenient location                     E. The lowest prices    
      B. The best service                        D. The most helpful sales clerks
      Answer: E

41. How long is the low price guarantee?
      A. One week                      C. One month              E. Once a year
      B. Two weeks                    D. One year
      Answer: C

42. If You buy an item at a lower price, what will the store do?
      A. Give you a second item                        C.  Buy the item from you       E. Give the sale items
      B. Pay you the difference in price D. Refund your money
      Answer : B

43. What kind of offers which are not covered by this guarantee?
      A. In store items                            C. Clearance sale                     E.Limited quantity offers
      B. New items                                 D. Sale items
      Answer: E

Question 44 until 47 refer to the following text

Curry Soup.
Please follow the directions carefully.
Empty contents of this packet into soup bowl
Add boiling water until desired consistency is reached
Stir well
Cover and let stand for five minutes
Eat immediately to ensure maximum taste and nutrition

Do not reheat
Variation: add less water to make a thicker stew. The serve over rice
Optional: add dried fruits or nuts for more flavorful soup

44. Where would this text be found?
A. On the restaurant menu                         C. In a cook book        E. In a essay
B. On a package label                    D. In a magazine
Answer: B

45. What must be added to make the soup?
A. Fruit and nuts                            C.  Milk                       E.Water
B. Curry powder                            D. Syrup
Answer : E

46. According to the text, what will happen if the soup is not eaten immediately?
A. It will be unsafe to eat               C.  It will become thin             E.It will lose its flavor
B. It will be sour                            D.  It will change
Answer: E

47. What should be added to enrich the flavor of the soup?
A. add dried fruits or nuts              C. add water                E. add some syrup
B. add some cream                                    D. add some rice
Answer: A

Question 48 until 50 refer to the following text

            Some years ago, Gordon Summer dropped out of teaching to risk all in the chancy world of pop music. Two years later, he was struggling to pay the rent. Now he is known as Sting, the lead singer of today hottest band, The Police. How did this ex school master manufacturer the right sound, the right image the right band of sex appeal, to make him-self into a teenage idol? Lulu Appleton reports.
            Gordon Summer, an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions and so rich, that he can afford all he could ever wish for Better known as Sting, he's the lead singer of the Police. His naturally fair hair has replaced the dyed blond hair of his stage act. The face magnetizes. The voice is low and husky, eyes bright and intelligent, yet wary.
Suddenly, he has become a superstar."I can't walk down a street anymore, without feeling that people are watching me. I can't be anonymous any longer, and that's a drag, he says.

48. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
     A. Gordon summer's success and appearance.
     B. The popularity of Sting.
     C. The lead singer of the Police.
     D.The change in Sting.
     E.  Gordon Summer’s family
     Answer: A

49. What was Sting's job before?
A. A singer.                            C. A musician.                     E. An enterpreneur
B. A teacher.                           D. An entertainer
Answer: B

50."Gordon Summer,an exceptionally good-looking man idolized by millions ... (Paragraph 2).
What is the antonym of the bold type?
     A.Wanted                B.Loved           C.Expected.     D.Respected    E. Hated


1.B                  11.D                21. E                31. E                41. C
2.B                  12.B                22. D               32. C               42. B
3.A                  13.D                23. C               33. E                43. E
4.C                  14.A                24. B               34. C               44. B
5.A                  15.C                25. A               35. A               45. E
6.A                  16. A               26. A               36. E                46. E
7.A                  17. C               27. C               37. E                47. A
8.C                  18. D               28. C               38. A               48. A
9.A                  19. B               29. C               39. E                49. B
10.D                20. E                30. B               40. E                50. E

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